Why Eat Organic? The Answer May Surprise You!

By: Jessica McManus

September 17, 2024

Why Eat Organic? The Answer May Surprise You!

Happy September Everyone!

This week in our monthly office hours, the question, “Why eat organic?” was posed and you might be surprised by my answer…

It is not because it tastes better, and it is not because it is more nutritious (at least not directly).

Understanding the Risks of Non-Organic Foods

Non-organic foods contain a whole host of toxic chemicals and pesticides, and it is well documented that these pesticides are absorbed through the intestinal lining and can cause inflammation throughout the body. They also cause additional toxic burdens that the liver must detoxify in order to allow the body to get rid of them. There are literally hundreds of clinical studies documenting the possible contribution of pesticides and herbicides to multiple ailments, from hypertension to breast and prostate cancer, to multiple sclerosis.

Pesticides and Their Impact on Health

This 2013 article in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Toxicology highlights the possible contribution of herbicides to celiac disease (an autoimmune reaction to gluten that damages the intestines and causes nutrient malabsorption). This article is not a gold-standard study in any way; It is a clinical hypothesis with correlated data, but the argument is certainly thought provoking.

Glyphosate: A Hidden Danger in Non-Organic Foods

Here’s where the argument comes from… Glyphosate, the active ingredient in the common herbicide Round-Up, has already been shown (in animal studies) to be a potent estrogen mimicker (you can access my 2 previous newsletters on the effects of excess estrogen on the body here and here). It has also been shown to damage the villous folds and villi in the intestines, and to promote microbial imbalance in the gut which promotes the growth of pathogens (not the kind microbes you want in your gut). Both of these things can lead to “leaky gut”, a situation where damage to our intestinal lining can lead to food sensitivities and a dysregulated immune system. In fact, leaky gut, also called enhanced intestinal permeability, is one of the key precursors to any auto-immune disease.

The Connection Between Glyphosate and Celiac Disease

Now, to link it all back to Celiac Disease. Given the heavy use of Round-Up on conventionally raised wheat crops, the high intake of wheat (gluten protein is the most prevalent protein in wheat, and is also in many other grains) in the average American diet, and the higher scrutiny our immune system gives to gluten overall, this seems to be a perfect storm for creating this “leaky gut” dynamic and then possibly celiac disease, and other autoimmune diseases.

Why Organic Choices Matter for Your Health

I hope this helped you understand the importance of eating organic at a deeper level. You can find a list of the most important produce to purchase organic, and those you can get away with buying non-organic here.

Wishing you all a wonderful transition into Fall.

Have a wonderful week,

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